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No Dust

No Dust™ was designed to compete directly with dust suppression materials such as Calcium Chloride on a cost comparative basis but also offers a better and more Environmentally conscious choice.

No Dust™, like No Dust Enviro™ is a naturally derived product providing exceptional dust suppression performance but unlike No Dust Enviro™ has a small amount of chlorides left that are naturally imbedded in the raw material (approximately 4% in raw state, less than 2% when mixed). The presence of these chlorides enables the product to act and behave like No Dust Enviro™ but comes at a much cheaper price, just not with the Environmentally Green tag. This still provides a better environmental solution over Calcium Chloride, which typically has between 28% to 34% chlorides.


No Dust™ has a slight odor and is easily applied with a pressurized water truck or similar applicators to Calcium Chloride. For application ideally two passes are recommended for best saturation and longevity of performance. Longevity and performance are also increased when use of packers are incorporated in to the application process. The expected performance is to last 8-12 weeks under conditions that have occasional rain and or moisture. It has better performance on silica based roads over No Dust Enviro™ and is available in totes or bulk.

No Dust™ is an all-weather dust suppressant/release agent that has been designed for road applications. It can be applied at minus degree weather (approx. -5 C) and can be stored outdoors. Its freeze point is approximately – 30° Celsius. Pump temperatures require closer to -15 ° Celsius and can therefore be stored outdoors in tanks, and applied in temperatures below freezing.

